Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Polonium 210 Splash it on all over!

Any one remember the Brut 33 advert with Henry Cooper and Kevin Keegan? The tag line was splash in on all over. Well that seems to be what has happened with Polonium 210.

I have to say that I am a bit mystified by the news that traces Polonium 210 has been found on three British Airways aeroplanes as well as a couple of other sites in London. You can read the BBC's report here.

The reason I am mystified is that the stuff is rare and I presume expensive, yet it appears to have been transported around and left all over the place. You do have to wonder how much the killers started off with.

That said the trail seems to lead back to Moscow. I suspect that if you ran a Geiger counter over the airport you would pick up a trail that led right back to KGB headquarters. That I have to say would make me very suspicious as it would start looking like a fit up. Umm...


  1. I can remember Barry Sheene splashing it on all over.

  2. Yes, and Henry Cooper. I thought it was an apt image as polonium 210 has been found all over the place almost as if it had been splashed all over!

  3. This Polonium business is clearly a smoke screen. According to a trusted friend who has a PhD nuclear physics, there isn't enough Polonium-210 on earth to kill a man in three weeks. There is enough to cause radiation sickness and leave a long trail. Whoever killed this man obviously wanted to make it look like radiation poisoning, but it's not what killed him.

  4. It was a very apt image; for those of us old enough to understand it :0)

  5. Sam, I have a draft article on how we realy ought not to be worried about polonium 210, but whilst I am no nuclear physisist I am both a Physicist and engineer and can assure you that you would die of radiation sickness rom polonium 210 long before its inherant toxicicity took effect.

    Please get your friend to email me and we can exchange calculations.

    Re Billy, am I showing my age? :0
