Saturday, December 09, 2006

Is Gordon to be coronated?

It is interesting that there seems to be some buzz around the story that some Labour MP's want to scrap the post of deputy leader of the Labour party. The reason? They seem to think that an election for deputy leader would be divisive and expensive. You can read the BBC story here.

but hold on a minute. If the deputy leader election is held at the same time as the leaders election then it won't cost much more. So what is going on? Do they want Gordon to have a coronation?

Frankly I can't see it as there are a number of members of the cabinet who would stand if they thought they could win. However if they don't run, and John McDonnell does not get his 44 signatures then perhaps the squeeze will be on to save money.

Only one question remains. Who has put them up to it? Answers on a postcard!


  1. "John MacDonald (sic) "

    It's McDonnell. Mr McDonnell is the MP for Hayes and Harlington. Mr McDonald is the chairman of Hayes and Harlington CLP.
    Not sure if all Labourite there are called McDsomething...

  2. Many thanks Anrea correted already ;)

  3. Getting rid of the deputy DPM is all about Labour admitting that they have been naughty and used the position to park John Prescott for the last 10 years. He brought himself and the Labour party into disrepute with his behaviour but the PM still needs a deputy prime minister for certain occasions just not John Prescott.
    Get rid of the office not the title, and name somebody in a senior position in the cabinet this secondary role so we have a designated easily identified 2nd in command in time of emergency.

  4. You are a total cretin. It is sad really. You are unintelligent.

  5. that was aimed at Benedict White, the self obsessed twat who makes a fool of himself by running this pathetic, badly written blog.

  6. ChrisD, the issue is less one of the DPM's post and more of a deputy leader role which is actualy written in to the party constitution.

    Anonymous, There are millions of blogs you could read, so why choose to read one you so obviously don't like?

  7. Anonymous said...
    this pathetic, badly written blog.
    2:57 AM, December 10, 2006

    Unlike your post anonymous?
    Although that had to be rewritten to identify the object of your dislike.
    I think Benedict does a pretty good job even though we don't seem to agree on much :0)

  8. Thank you for your kind words Billy. It must be said that if one is to slate bad writing, it does help if you get it right!

    That said with so many other blogs in the world to read why did this person spend so long reading this one only to complain? The intelegent thing to have done wpuld have been to move on and read another blog!
