Sunday, April 08, 2007

Bad news for Labour today

There is bad news for Labour all over today's Sunday papers.

The Telegraph carries two interesting stories, this one about Dr. John "Comrade" Reid backing David Miliband for leader against Gordon Brown, with this story about the civil war that will ensue following the change of leader no matter who it is.

The interesting thing about Dr John Reid's position is that he was tipped as a potential challenger until the Home Office started looking like it was falling apart again. He has apparently also said that if David Miliband does not stand then he will. There are many who think Reid is to the right of Genghis Khan so I can't see how he could get elected as Labour leader unless Gordon looks like obvious suicide.

Then there is this in the Observer about perceptions of people on the last 10 years. It will not make pleasant reading in Labour circles. Many think that they are no better off now than in 1997 and that public services are not better. Although conducted by BPIX who are not a member of the British Polling Council, and therefore are not transparent about their methods. However this is published in a left leaning paper read by Labour activists. Interestingly the article also has this reaction: 'I have never heard anybody talk about the years before 1997 as the good old days,' said Alan Milburn, the former Labour party chairman. Perhaps he needs to get out more and listen to real people.

On top of that we have some damning polls in the Sunday Times. Not a good weekend for Labour.


  1. On BBC News 24 there was some Blairite trying to bat away the charges brought against New Labour by Ann Leslie. I only watched 10 mins of it, but he seemed to be doing a damned fine job of damning Gordon with faint praise....

  2. I was on a train a few years ago when on got Dr Reid and his two police protection officers. When one of them got out his Daily Mail Reid in a loud voice said. "What the f**k are you reading that Nazi paper for?" Later he went on to have a conversation on his mobile, again in a loud voice, with someone about getting Helen Liddell to stand aside in her seat (this was pre the last election). His conversation was littered with F's a C's - totally at odds with the quiet spoken politician he likes to portray. All I could think was, God help us if a man who is a dim as this, or as arrogant as this ever gets into real power. Then he became Home Secretary....whatever next?

  3. Anonymous, I will try and catch up with that later. Looks entertaining!

    Richard Havers. John Reid as anything scares me! I heard that Genghis Khan thought he was too right wing!

  4. Sory Benedict its MTF here, hit the wrong button, it was called Head 2 Head, it might be on later.
    Assume u were watching the cricket like I was. Aaarrgh!

  5. Alas no, MTF, I was watching Martin Shaw's latest drama. Quite good.

  6. Doubt if Reid will run against Brown as his past, before he stopped drinking, will come back to haunt him and Brown knows where the bodies are buried. Ask anyone who used to attend Labour Party conferences in those days.

  7. Anonymous, @ 1:49, True but the reverse is also potentially the case.

    Reid may also know where Brown's bodies are buried, whereas Reid no longer drinks.
