Monday, April 16, 2007

Des Browne to resign!

Yes you heard it here first!

Des Browne, the Defence Secretary is set to resign. We know this because Number 10's spokesman has said Tony Blair has full confidence in Des Browne.

As soon as the BBC has more, I will add a link.

On a more serious note, Des Browne will clearly have a rough time this afternoon as he gives his statement in the House of Commons, over the whole Iran hostage crisis, from how and why they were captured in the first place to the selling of the stories afterwards.

There are many questions to answer. Mine would be why are we fighting so many wars in so many places on such a tight budget?

More on the hostages can be found here.

Update 13:51

The BBC has this on the defence chiefs backing Des Browne which also covers Tony Blair's "full support".


  1. I don't care what happens to this guy,I want to know what the military had been told before they went off to be "customs officers", seeing this had already happened before what had the talks did the Forign Office have with Iran when it last happened ,to me this makes the Civil Servants in the Forign Office totally inept and they should be sacked as well.

  2. PS I can't spell ,sorry

  3. Anonymous, Fair points, and don't worry about the spelling.
