Monday, May 11, 2009

Speaker Martin shoots the messengers!

I am absolutely astounded at the way the Speaker of the cesspit Michael Martin has sought to have a go at MP's who have been expressing concern at the orgy of ramping expenses.

This is utterly bizarre. Members of the Houses of Parliament are there to represent the people, and I can tell you they (the people) are very angry about MP's expenses. That the Speaker, Michael Martin should seek to criticize the critics and stick his fingers in his ears singing "la la la, I can't hear you" shows just how out of touch he is.

Parliament can't be reformed while he is still speaker.

The BBC has this.


  1. oh I love all this I didn't realize you blogged like this ~ I'll be back tomorrow when I have more time


  3. It just shows how low this country has sunk that a man of Speaker Martin's calibre - or the lack of it - ever attained his post in the first place

  4. John, again, I agree. It is not a matter of snobbery but I feel he has let the House down on many occasions, of which this is but one. Another is the Damian Green affair.
