Saturday, July 11, 2009

Peter Harvey, the teacher who snapped

Peter Harvey was a popular and well respected science teacher at All Saints' Roman Catholic School in Mansfield, then one day he attacked 14 year old pupil **** ********** with a 2kg weight and injured two other pupils.

The incident happened because he was being taunted by the physics class he was teaching, with them singing man in the mirror changing some of the words to psycho.

He will appear before magistrates today charged with attempted murder.

Peter Harvey had just returned from sick leave having suffered a stress related stroke. Then someone thought it would be a bright idea to throw him back in the classroom on his own.

To me at least, this seems like lighting the blue touch and standing well back. If the stress of teaching was so bad it caused him a stroke he clearly was not coping before he was ill and so needed much more support which he did not appear to have. You do have to wonder if the duty of care the school owed to him and his pupils was properly discharged. Personally I suspect not.

The BBC has this.

Update 22:53

Having read some of the comments, I offer this from the Daily Mail.

I would point out that we have no reason to believe **** ********** deserved anything. According to the Daily Mail article, he may well have been a nice lad.

What appears to have happened is that a class got seriously out of control with a teacher who should have been better supported.

Update 14th May 2010, to reflect a section 39 order I have been made aware of.


  1. Entirely agree with observation.
    Education in this country has been living a lie since 'love me I'm Tony' brought the champagne socialists to power.
    Headteachers and Chairmen perpetuate the myth eg 'this is a caring school etc etc'. The fact is, it is easier for a head to bully a member of staff than a child. Where classroom indiscipline thrives, it is the fault of the teacher. It is impossible today for an excellent teacher with less than forceful personality to survive in todays comprehensive schools. Ex Teacher.

  2. I don't think it's peculiar to a Labour governmnent alone. A succession of indifferent governments and the increasing lack of respect in society have engendered this situation. I'm only surprised that it hasn't happened sooner.
    I lasted thirty years in teaching -I still maintain that there are plenty of nice children, but the number of troublemakers is increasing and there is absolutely nothing one can frighten them with any more. For those who say that one shouldn't resort to scare tactics, I would say that you cannot reason with a bunch of schoolchildren who are often in a place where they don't want to be. What is even more wearying and demeaning than the violence is the general contempt and lack of interest (ie chattering, ignoring the teacher from the start to the end of the lesson.)I've seen young enthusiastic teachers arriving as probationers and leaving three years later, disillusioned and cynical. As has been mentioned, the propaganda from Ofsted/headteachers etc, is unbelievable. I've seen glowing reports about schools where chairs had been thrown at a supply teacher!
    I also don't buy the theory that it's happened in the last ten years. I saw things which startled me late sixties onwards. Obviously things have deteriorated.
    I suggest that some government somewhere has the courage to take a stand - ie instead of citizenship/personal, social and moral education and the endless parade of "mickey mouse" subjects, we should return to solid, hard learning. Strange how learning to be a good citizen hasn't stemmed the rise in knife culture.
    Sometimes I think that the Soviets, for all their failings, had the right attitude to education - one strike and you're out.
    For those who hold forth on teachers'holidays, I would say -come into the profession and try it for two days.

  3. Amazing how rapidly the police can act on an issue such as this and yet when it comes to one of their own who acted in very questionable way during the G20 riots with fatal results seem to be quite incapable of even comtemplating permanent suspension. The officer involve I understand twice left the force and twice re-joined without anyone noticing. Double standards for those dealing with a 'hostile' public?

  4. When children reach puberty it seems they do more than just become compulsive masturbators, they develop a nasty spiteful personality in which they derive pleasure from mocking and abusing others. If parents taught their children to respect others it would lead to a better society for all; however, the parents are often as ignorant as the children.

  5. I think about 99% of peopel with a brain knows there is much more than this than meets the eye. How long before the news of consistent and persistent taunting by the yoofs involved (lovely photo of the pleasant lad on the BBC). How long before fellow pupils admit they know their "innocent, sweet, fellow pupils" were going to far. The BBC has had at least 3 different reports and have yet to release A SINGLE detail of what actually happened.

    I wouldn't mind betting that most people whilst saying 'oh dear teachers should never do this' are actually thinking "good on 'im"

  6. I too was a secondary teacher for 30 years and once had to go into a classroom where a student teacher had thrown a desk at one of the more revolting children, aged fourteen. Fortunately, no-one was injured. The present culture of celebs behaving atrociously has a lot to answer for. I agree - the climate of schools being regarded as businesses which have to attract "customers", targets to meet and league tables to publish leads (forces) heads to conceal any problems. Just think of some of the little sods you see around the place causing mayhem - from Mongay to Friday they are in some poor teacher's class. It is interesting to see the support which Peter Harvey is getting from pupils and former pupils at the school - they know the truth. Jack Whitehead did not look, from his photograph, to be an easy child to deal with. Peter Harvey should not have been left to manage a class which could obviously be trouble - it makes me wonder if the head wanted him to fail and have to resign - something which is not unknown as a tactic.

  7. After looking at the picture of the child he hit, I thought to my self, "well the little shit got what he deserved"
    Say this child has been playing up for a while? like when I was at school in the early 1960's after the first incodent he would have been clipped round the ear, or sent to the head-master for the ultimate punishment,, a caining.
    But now, they can get away with anything,, and they do, just look at who we have in the political field now brought up on this "consensus schooling" = left wing shit.
    and from the Victorian times a saying, "Spare the rod---spoil the child"
    ergo! ipso-facto. QED!

  8. When I was at school there was a teacher who had a reputation. He did not often use the cane. His weapon of choice were his fists and his feet.

    His colleagues knew about this, yet allowed him to continue flying off the handle. They seemed to find it amusing.

    He was known to physically attack pupils who he decided were even thinking bad thoughts about him. He was clearly unwell.

    Eventually he made the mistake of attacking the wrong pupil who had, I believe, some training in boxing, who returned the physical chastisement with something added.

    This being back in the good old days (the 1970s) the whole sordid episode was hushed up.

  9. Hmmm.. If the kid swore at a teacher [and clearly we have no evidence of this at present] then I'm afraid how ever serious the consequences he [or in other cases may be a she] is going to get zero sympathy from me.

    Don't want to get a severe beating and avoid life-threatening injury ?
    Treat your teacher with a bit of respect. Or face the consequences.

    It will be a travesty of justice if that guy has to do a lot of time - although something is wrong with the system.

  10. British teachers are involved in far more electronically detected crime than US counterparts,

    British teachers also do more sex crime than candidates on the Sex Offenders Registers!

    When is the penny going to drop?

    "well the little shit got what he deserved"

    Only if you are Myra Hindley's ghost.

    That's a sickening thing to say, attempted murder is the final word in corporal punishment.

    The Brits allow anything to teach, the standards are appallingly low. Sex offenders compete for jobs on the same basis as everybody else.

    If the FBI close their eye for a minute, the Brits immediately start loading their schools with creeps detected by Us law enforcement.

    Brit teachers are notorious from Texas to Timbuktu for pedophilia, they ban everything from schools except sex offenders.

  11. Cadiz - I think you have overdone the sex-education bit.

    You're a moron

  12. Until schools select pupils and expel trouble classroom discipline will be impossible to enforce. why anyone becomes a teacher baffles me - better a zoo-keeper.

    Schools are run by the dysfunctional progeny of disturbed families and careless parents. Noone with a desire to learn or move ahead has a prayer with misfits and psychotics in the same classroom.

    RESPECT is lacking and Ignorance is Strength as Orwell warned us. The political system has failed miserably to make Schools a safe and pleasant working environment - what other workplace would tolerate such crap ?

  13. we must expect more of these incidents in our out of control socialist education system.

    where did it all go wrong,with teachers having no control over pupils.

    if i had not had the money to educate my children privately,i would have left the uk.


  14. Don't you think you are all getting a little hysterical? This is a dreadful incident and clearly needs looking into but is NOT normal. Just because one teacher has attacked a pupil, probably under extreme provocation, does not mean that all teachers are either criminals or paedophiles, nor does it mean that all pupils and schools are out of control and rampaging round the country. I have taught in just such a school for the past 10 years, and have only heard of (not personally encountered) 2 incidents involving real violence - a fraction of what is seen in general society - get real.

  15. The little shit probably got what he deserved! Since juries have no obligation to convict, I hope whoever sits on his not only finds him not guilty, but gives him a thoroughly deserved, 'Well done!'
    It's high time to restore discipline to schools and throw the %$#@&$ lawyers and pansy-ass liberal social workers out!

  16. I'm quite surprised at all the 'He got what he deserved' comments aimed at the kid on the basis of him having spiky hair and being... an annoying teenager. It sounds like a lot of people are trying to justify a horrible incident. Look, if its alright to try and beat to death someone who is being annoying then logically we should all be running round giving MPs, newspaper columnists and media people a daily kicking. After all, they wind us up, don't they?

  17. Anonymous @ 3:28 PM, July 12, 2009, I agree about the comments that "he deserved it" are wrong. For a start it appears that he may not have, secondly, even if he was causing trouble, the punishment far outweighs the crime.

    That said, your suggestion that some MPs. journalists etc. should be regularly beaten will sound tempting to many.

  18. "Anonymous said...
    Cadiz - I think you have overdone the sex-education bit.

    You're a moron

    5:43 AM, JULY 12, 2009"

    Moravian maybe,

    Brit teachers do more sex crime in the USA, than the rest of the EU combined.

    So maybe we are just getting your bad apples.

    On the other hand, why are the NASUWT campaigning to make it legal for foster parents to have sex with foster children?

    ( derogation sexual offences act 2003)

    I also note the NAHT are out campaigning for a sick pedophile of their own.

    You Brits may like foxes, but you like pedophiles a lot more.

    Your country has a culture of sexual abuse of children, scandal following scandal & etc.

    By the way, I discovered Paul Reeve working in a primary school in Norfolk.

    He was identified by the FBI (that's our team)

    So, I'm a bit of an authority on pedophile teachers when they are Brits, and I am kept very busy.

    British teachers do more sex offending than the registrants on the British sex offenders register.

    So even Britain's sex offenders can't keep up with them.

    The SOR is for the male population (in effect) and it's losing against a tiny (teaching) demographic.

    British teachers are the worst I've ever encountered.


  19. "This is a dreadful incident and clearly needs looking into but is NOT normal. Just because one teacher has attacked a pupil, probably under extreme provocation, does not mean that all teachers are either criminals or paedophiles, nor does it mean that all pupils and schools are out of control and rampaging round the country."

    That's a view, however Brit teachers are worse than their US cousins re: child pornography, that's a definite, that is a fact, they really are.

    We know that because the Brits rely on our police agencies. That CEOP/SOCA thing you have over there is a club for wombles & media addicts. It is a new labor gimmick thing. It is a crock of BS.

    "State authorities in America receive nearly three million reports of sexual activity between teachers and pupils each year. Up to 40 per cent of the teachers are female."

    Brit edu journal, running with a fed financed study or synthesis.

    So why not ask yourselves if a fifth of whatever the USA is doing is reasonable?

    Because Brit teachers do far more child pornography than US teachers & a high rate of sex offending is to be expected.

    Many teachers in Britain are criminals, can I tell you a little secret, the CRB public flim flam, they do detect thousands of felons trying to get jobs etc.

    That part is true, what they don't tell you, is that the applicants get their jobs.

    Typical New Labor, typical Britain.

    The NASUWT versus NAMBLA?

    To publicly express views such as have been articulated by Chris Keates, is to be banned from teaching for life in the United States.

    Has a Catholic priest went on TV asking for abuse of trust to be made legal?

    Only Brit teachers are corporately vile enough to do that kind of thing.

    Brit teachers are just notorious, one single Brit teacher clocked up more victims in the USA, than all the teachers in Oklahoma, Vermont, Rhode Island, Maine combined!

    That is pretty good going, and his web-site is still up, Jacqui Smith refused to take it down.

  20. I'm a supply teacher and the lack of respect I get in class is disgraceful. Today I had a girl of 12 present me with a note at the end of the class entitling her to leave 'a few minutes early'. She interpreted this to mean 5 minutes, when I told her that this did not mean 5 minutes she became cheeky and insolent, eventually leaving the class without permission.

    This is a minor incident in modern teaching, I have also been taunted, verbally and physically abused. This is par for the course in modern teaching.

    Most supply teachers seem to agree that pupil behavior is related directly to the management of the school.

    I just hope that there is a full inquiry into this incident so that the public can get a proper insight into modern secondary education

  21. "I just hope that there is a full inquiry into this incident so that the public can get a proper insight into modern secondary education"

    There are far more Brit teachers doing sex crime than HSE recorded assaults on teachers, that is is a statistical fact out of Britain itself.

    The thing professionals do, is ask the following question "is it true"

    Designing a plane, running an oil refinery, it doesn't matter, the moment one buys into the surreal garbage you Brits buy into, it turns into Haute de la Garenne & etc.

    You are fruitcakes when it comes to teachers, sanity just leaves you

    The facts are, and the clue is, Brit teachers do far more sex crime than there are recorded incidents of assaults on teachers.

    That's the statistical soup you Brits have.

    Also the List 99 drug addicts, mental health cases & alcoholics are being recycled back into your classrooms.

    ( so much for Ruth Kelly's response to Paul Reeve)

    That's also your monument to Soham, you tried to do a little vetting and you just couldn't.

    Your schools are full of deviants, incompetents, and strange people, because it is quite frankly your cultuure, it is not an accident, just read this blog, for proof of that.


  22. "Sometimes I think that the Soviets, for all their failings, had the right attitude to education - one strike and you're out."

    Hit a child of somebody important in the USSR and think about it as they stuff you alive into a furnace,

    that tradition dates to the 1920s and was also used on the reds by the whites, the latter used train fire boxes (head first).

    The Soviets could kill people (without a trial) when they were upset.

    The Stasi made some of my work, part of the curriculum in the DDR, the Sovets also flattered me, with one thing or another.

    I was 'an artist' in the DDR.

    Chris Keates of the NASUWT would be in a clinic or 'vanished' for her views on teacher/pupil sex.

    In Ohio, she might also be behind a locked door, so her views are a bit off-kilter.


  23. Is everyone in the States named Anonymous? No I'm kidding - it's so great to have your opinions of our school system; we're deeply beholden.
    I went to a rough London primary school at the end of the '50's and still remember a teacher being hit in front of a class of seven-year-olds. This isn't new.

  24. Anonymous @2:38am July 15th 2009 said"There are far more Brit teachers doing sex crime than HSE recorded assaults on teachers, that is is a statistical fact out of Britain itself."

    Link please?

  25. to all the wierdo Americans who seem to think English schools are some kind of training ground for paeodophiliacs - what are you on? go see a doctor or something, sounds like you've got your own problems to me..... at least we don't regularly gun down all our pupils and teachers as a matter of course like you do in the states, but perhaps you would condone that too? Moron.

  26. I was taught by peter Harvey in the 1990's. He was a good mannered chap - but his lessons were disorganized and kids tried to get away with what they could- clearly 15 years later nothing has changed. I do feel for him to have to go through the hourly disobedience of what i saw him go through, and am surprised he is still doing this job.

    However he would not hurt no-one and i would have it a strong guess the photo of the 14 year old darling shown on all the news channels does not tell half the story. Harvey must have been seriously provoked to do what has allegedly happened. I do feel for him (Harvey- not the little rascal) as he is a genuine man and must be going through hell now.

  27. "Link please?"

    The FBI do Britain's child pornography policing, so you are very wise to ask a foreigner.

    Do you need somebody to do your rough estimates?

    Filming alone, with secret cameras has it covered, do you want a list of schools where teachers were doing that?

    Do you want that list?

    A secret camera in a shower is not one victim. So it is entirely possible for a single school to be ten percent of the HSE assault stats.

    Former teacher who posed as teen is jailed - Bedford Today 16 Apr 2007 ... Church-going Graham Conridge - who was found with more than 16000 ... they found he had kept meticulous records of all the 261 girls - aged ...

    Did I read 261 correctly? He was a very busy pedophile.

    Left to his own devices, ( the FBI became involved) he could clip the HSE total on his own!

    So, how many victims in the USA did Conridge have?

    Right, lots, so count the kids he also did in Bedforshire before he was free passed into Hertfordshire, by the DfES.

    The British had pedophile teachers in single schools who were victimizing children all over the globe as an industrial process.

    Ofsted acts to reform school in sex scandal - Telegraph 11 Apr 2008 ... A comprehensive school where up to 14 members of staff had sexual affairs with pupils has been put into special measures. - Similar -

    Actually, there were more than 14, I know the school well, it was one of those 'educative' places as the FBI would say.

    It doesn't take that many to go way over the HSE total for assaults on teachers.

    There were also over 2,000 List 99 referrals in 2005.

    Lots of scope there for teachers pretending to be 13 year old boys, as per the British fashion.

    Teachers score higher on crime datqabases than children as a general rule of thumb, and one HSE per day, is nowhere near the teacher total for sex crime victimization.

    The lowest study has 1,500 teachers doing the man/wife thing with schoolgirls, how many instances of statutory rape can 1,500 do in a year?

    So get real, teachers in all countries, do a lot of sex crime, and British teachers do more child pornography than US teachers.

    Say thanks to the FBI for that insight.

  28. "Harvey must have been seriously provoked to do what has allegedly happened. I do feel for him (Harvey- not the little rascal) as he is a genuine man and must be going through hell now."

    Brits gasp relief when they discover one care home or another was probably not incindreating the children, they don't really know, because child protection is decades in arrears.

    Look there are tens of thousands of kids victimized by teachers, and we can't let them go around stabbing their ex-teacher in the street.

    We just can't. There are at least 25,000 teachers who should not be teaching, for one reason or another.

    Brit schools are also full of List 99 people, people referred but not included, which is the highest sex crime category in Britain.

    More so than the SOR. At one point all the faux 13 year old boys were free passed back into schools by the DfES.

    Great Britain has child sex scandals, it is wall to wall, non-stop, and without end.

    suspect 1,700 carers of sex abuse

    By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent
    Thursday, 14 September 2000

    'The police are running 75 investigations into child abuse at care homes
    or other institutions, identifying more than 1,700 suspected
    paedophiles, senior officers were told yesterday.'

    That number of teachers, is realistic, it should actually be more teachers than care workers.

  29. i knew Mr Harvey as a teacher and a friend, he was the only teacher I ever respected during the hard times I had at school. He was always a laugh and always ensured that the student had learn t something relevant or not. he always was in the school play as a role where t one time shaved half his beard off. It also doesn't help that a few months back mr Harvey had a stress related stroke. If i was in England I would be there with all the students that agreed with me. On the 27th we will find out. If the ledgend that is mr harvey is sent too jail i bet that the education system in england will go down the toilet faster than you can say physics.

  30. Are you people even paying attention? They taunted him because they didn't like that he kicked the girl's bag.

  31. @ Anonymous 12:02 AM July 20th

    Your claim of statistical fact has yet to be backed up with a link to the statistics.

    Selective reporting of newspaper articles (like omitting from the Bedford Today story that the 261 girls had been met through chatrooms and MSN) is not statistical proof.

    When you say ""State authorities in America receive nearly three million reports of sexual activity between teachers and pupils each year. Up to 40 per cent of the teachers are female.""

    are you trying to imply that those are British teachers? The part of the article the quote is lifted from is about an Mary Kay Letourneau, the daughter of a US Congressman, inferring that the quote is about US born teachers not British ones.

  32. All and all, it's just another 2kg weight off the wall

  33. "Selective reporting of newspaper articles (like omitting from the Bedford Today story that the 261 girls had been met through chatrooms and MSN) is not statistical proof."

    Brit teachers do more sex crime re: children ( in Britain) than all pimps, sex traffickers, and etc. combined, that is my work area. I am very good at my job.

    I discovered Paul Reeve, and it was the Brit govt, secretly putting pedophiles into primary schools.

    261 victims by one teacher, in a small period of time is a lot, and there were quite a few British teachers with score cards in the hundreds.

    ( 1,200 US child victims in the great lakes area alone)

    It is real sex crime by real sex criminals who were generally allowed by the DfES to carry on teaching.

    Your culture is just different, in the USA, sexually offending against children is a far bigger deal.

    Whether it is proxy child pornography, net grooming, the distinction, is not relevant. He was a pedophile, and the DfES allowed him to teach.

    Brit teachers played a role in re-creating a major pedophile network the FBI/RCMP destroyed in Canada. Conridge was one of those people.

    The pedophile network moved its HQ to Britain, because they knew they would be relatively safe and that the Brit police would not intrude unless the FBI obliged them to act.

    (as per Conridge)

    It is real sex offending, with high numbers of victims, around the world.

    When you say ""State authorities in America receive nearly three million reports of sexual activity between teachers and pupils each year. Up to 40 per cent of the teachers are female.""

    So why doesn't the TES dive that number by the demographic difference, and work out a possible Brit comparison.

    Why not talk of realistic numbers, thousands, to get the thing going along sane lines?

    Teachers do a lot of sex offending *everywhere* being the first lesson to adopt.

  34. The well equipped science laboratories in our State School did not include 2 kg weights.

    The 'story' would hold more credence had it 'reportedly' occurred in the gym.

    Unfortunately, children today are denied the level of education in science and also biology which my received. It seems this not to be the case at the Catholic School in the 'news'.

  35. How many cases of attacks by ill disciplined pupils on teachers go unreported ?

  36. Anonymous,

    Throwing a chair is no mean feat - a desk ?? - ludicrous !

  37. Anonymous,

    Throwing a chair is no mean feat - a desk ?? - ludicrous !

  38. anonymous 1:00 AM July 24th

    Twice you have failed to back up your assertions that "is is a statistical fact out of Britain itself." with a link.

    Surely, if it is statistical fact, you can provide a link or a proper reference to back up that claim?

  39. "How many cases of attacks by ill disciplined pupils on teachers go unreported ?"

    Most stats re: adverse problems in the UK were solicited by the FBI or US Dept of State.

    ( ask yourselves why!)

    In early years, almost 100 percent of sex abuse of children by teachers goes unreported.

    Referrals to List 99 are higher than HSE logged assaults on teachers.

    Child Protection: Schools

    Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government:

    How many cases were referred to the List 99 Teachers Misconduct Team
    in England and Wales in 2003, 2004 and 2005; and [HL2654]

    How many letters of written warning were issued in England and Wales
    to teachers for inappropriate sexual behaviour towards pupils in 2003,
    2004 and 2005. [HL2655]

    The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education
    and Skills (Lord Adonis): The number of cases in England and Wales
    referred to and concluded by the department's List 99 team in the
    relevant years is set out in the table below:

    Cases Referred Cases Concluded


    1,147 1,047


    1,362 1,370


    2,092 2,554

    The department may issue written warnings to school staff in
    connection with a range of misconduct—for example, impropriety and
    theft— and inappropriate sexual behaviour towards children. The number
    of written warnings issued to staff in schools by the List 99 Teachers
    Misconduct Team in each of the relevant years was as follows:







    Due to the way in which information is currently recorded, it is not
    possible to indicate the number of these cases where staff in schools
    were issued with written warnings for inappropriate sexual behaviour.
    The department does not maintain records of written warnings issued to
    staff by employers as a result of local disciplinary proceedings, as
    this is a matter for the employer concerned.

  40. Sex crime by teachers? Individual schools can have over a dozen, and most schools have one.

    It is preposterous not to concede thousands of sex crimes by teachers when individual teachers are doing over a thousand sex crimes on their own.

    The niche market for British teachers is net offending, using the UK as a safe haven.

    Child pornography and net-grooming is a crime at least in countries overseas.

    To refer to Portugal, the police there complain complain of sex crime by British teachers being kept secret from them.

    The NAHT is campaigning at the moment for a convicted pedophile, because they don't think what he was doing was sex crime.

    British teacher are notorious, not just known, but associated with sexual offending behaviors, where the sex offending is seen as 'normal'.

    ***But Mrs Thorley claimed her husband’s convictions would have a wide-ranging impact on male teachers.

    “I think it puts in jeopardy any male within the teaching profession,” she said.

    “Evidence in court showed that all current procedures were followed and yet a man remains in custody.

    “I now believe that my male colleagues will be subject to impossible working conditions that this will lead to.”***

    that has to mean the NAHT think what he was doing ( which is a sex crime) is relatively normal.

    What else can it mean?

  41. The NASUWT are trying to legalize sex between fosterparents and fosterchildren re: derogation of Sexual Offences Act 2003

    They just don't think it is a crime. So it is silly to say the British teaching profession is not unusual.

    How many false allegation of sex abuse pronounced upon by the CPS or the police? There are two central and key agencies, how many?

    Over a dozen surveys, discovered most police forces had never had a false allegation of sexual abuse (going to trial) since record keeping began.

    That doesn't mean there wasn't, or that snide threats by kids etc. For the Brits to go on and on and on about something, why not publish stats?

    All sex crime re: CEDAW and UNCRC has to be treated the same re: females.

    "Only 6% of rape complaints lead to a conviction in Scotland's courts.

    There are fears that this figure will fall after a recent ruling that the prosecution must prove the accused was aware there was no consent."

    Why not call the other 94 percent false accusers?

    Britain treats schoolgirls unlawfully.

    suicides and self-harming ( of schoolgirls) are at a greater rate of incidence than false allegations re: sex abuse.

    British teachers are notorious for sex offending, it is a stereotype that dates to the 19th century.

  42. Anonymous .. .. you have completely failed to back up your assertions that "is is a statistical fact out of Britain itself." with a link.

    Surely, if it is statistical fact, you can provide a link or a proper reference to back up that claim?

  43. It is easier for a head to bully a member of staff than a child....

    Naton wide cash is easy and fast

  44. Look, if its alright to try and beat to death someone who is being annoying then logically we should all be running round giving MPs, newspaper columnists and media people a daily kicking.

    What superlative good sense - ever thought of becoming an MP?

  45. I think about 99% of peopel with a brain knows there is much more than this than meets the eye.
    Wireless Home Alarm Security Systems

  46. Responses to the data collection show that 2.8% of concluded allegations were recorded as malicious.

  47. I note that some of the innocent little darlings were filming the goings-ons. FILMING. How on earth did we get to the stage where a bunch of no-hope little chavs are able to rule the roost in this way? I'm not condoning battering children around the head but I can see how someone might lose it entirely and do so.

    Teachers are just flesh and blood and no one should be subjected to the kind of rubbish this poor man had to deal with.

    It's time to get tough. If children can't behave in a decent way then they shouldn't be in mainstream schools. A whole industry has grown up during the Labour years surrounding 'inclusion'. The mantra goes something like this: 'Let's make sure the problem people are included, no matter what the cost to others, and let's rebrand them as 'vulnerable' because we feel their pain. We really do. From a very, very, discreet distance.'

    Teachers, however, are right in the front line. We need to put children who can't behave in environments which are designed to deal with them. Special schools. I can just hear the Inclusion luvvies now: Darren, you've been put here because you're so SPECIAL.

  48. Children do not arrive in the world as a civilised beings. They are little barbarians, who need to learn to fit into society and become responsible. I am sure at least this one boy has learnt his lesson and will probably never taunt a teacher again.

  49. A depressing insight into an education system that exacerbated an experienced teacher so much that he was pushed over the edge.

    The teacher's behaviour is in-condonable. Yet you have got to wonder what has happened to push this teacher to such extremes. I imagine that the pupil is not entirely innocent in all of this.

    Teachers face awful behaviour on a daily basis and for some it will become too much. Many teachers suffer from stress or stress induced illness and get little support in challenging the worst behaved pupils.

    I personally am training as a primary teacher where pupil behaviour, generally, is not as extreme as secondary. Yet there was a class on one placement that bought me to tears at home on a daily basis because of their behaviour. One pupil raised a chair over a peers head to attempt to slam back down on him, I intervened to remove the chair and the pupil continued the attack with his fists. It appeared I was questioned more than the pupils involved and told that this is 'what to expect' in teaching. I think if I had stayed at this school longer than my short 8 week teaching practice I would have cracked in one way or another.

    I am pleased to note that not all schools are like this and have had some fantastic experiences with some wonderful pupils. Unfortunately the schools where behaviour is unacceptable seem to brush it under the carpet and accept it as normal. This can only cause problems as sadly demonstrated by this poor teacher and his pupil.

  50. I have a degree of sympathy for Mr Harvey, but he clearly was not in a fit state of mind to be in front of a class of badly behaved students.

    This case does, however, highlight the inconsistencies in our judiciary. I was jailed for defending myself from a vicious and sustained attack as I tried to arrest an offender when I was a policeman. I was off work for five weeks with head injuries and he was convicted. He was completely uninjured.

    I have enjoyed public support, but unfortunately not the same level of support offered to Mr Harvey by the judiciary.
