Thursday, June 07, 2007

John Reid's dig at Peter "the tan" Hain the vain!

You have to laugh. Many will remember the controversy over the proposed stop and question powers leaked to the Sunday papers and indeed the furore over it, including Peter Hain's objections. (See here)

Well, John Reid did make a statement on anti terror measures in parliament and it seems to have been built mostly out of cross party cooperation. What is funny is what John Reid said about the proposed stop and question powers:
I want to make it absolutely plain that discussion on the stop-and-question powers is going on inside Government. I did not raise the matter, and neither did the police in mainland Britain. It derived from one source. However, it is also evident that at least one source has major misgivings about it. The problem is that the source is the same in both cases. [Laughter.] We will carry on with the consultation on these matters.
Very funny!

You can read more here.

Hat tip to Iain Dale here.


  1. OT I believe that lady has now been caught.

  2. Anonymous, Many thanks, caught that news too, just have not had the time to put it up and take the wanted poster down!
