Sunday, September 30, 2007

Conservative Peer in "BNP" row?

According to the Libdemograph Independent on Sunday Lady Sayeeda Warsi has plunged the Conservative party into some row about race, immigration and the BNP by suggesting that some BNP voters may have some views worth listening too.

God forbid that politicians should pay any attention to the electorate surely?

It is clear that there are problems with the current scale of immigration. Only the die hard ideologues of the liberal free movement brigade or the hard left see it any other way. Anyone with any sort of practical sense knows that the current level of immigration is causing problems.

The rag (for it is no newspaper) also tries to present the restatement of Conservative position on immigration as some sort of "lurch to the right". It isn't, the policy on immigration is unchanged.

They will be accusing us of having a policy of "British jobs for British workers" next, which would be a lurch to the far right. That is however not a policy of either the Conservative party or the BNP.

The conclusion?

Marie Woolf and Brian Brady are either too ignorant, politically biased or more likely both to write anything of use to anyone.

Hat tip to Rod Crosby on for the link.


  1. I have seen some shoddy and hypocritical journalism in my time but this surely is the worst example?
    The headline and article are totally without any foundations in facts that back up the assertions. But more importantly, Brown can make a blatantly cynical speech to appeal to BNP voters and gets away with it, yet if anyone in the Conservative party mentions the subject they scream racism.

  2. ...It is clear that there are problems with the current scale of immigration. Only the die hard ideologues of the liberal free movement brigade or the hard left see it any other way...

    Yes but PC won't let us recognize it. I'm running a post on this today, a bit later.

  3. I've sent this post to the Blogpower Roundup today.

  4. Yes it is a tad ridiculous isn't it. What is more it is now seeping into the other papers.

    Apparently according to some listenting to people who vote for the BNP's grievences is wrong.

