Saturday, September 29, 2007

Gordon Brown boxed in to an early election

By not killing of speculation, and indeed by allowing his close aides such as Ed Balls to keep the speculation going, Gordon Brown has boxed himself in to holding and early election.

It is true that Labour has got some impressive poll leads reported today, as can bee seen here on, however these polls are taken at the end of a Labour party conference when there has been wall to wall coverage of the Labour party. We are about to have similar for the Conservatives and that will change the way the polls lie.

The polls have been all over the place in the last couple of months, going from showing a large Labour lead to almost neck and neck and apparently back again. It is not credible. Public opinion does not change that fast.

Gordon will have either called an election before we find out how the Conservatives position has changed over the conference in which case he risks a serious surprise, or he will wait and if the polls show that Labour is doing less well, he will have to wait. This will make him look weak.


  1. Viewed from the Antipodes, it is not clear to me why El Gordo has to hold an election, particularly when he has a mandate for most of his agenda. Why risk it?

  2. Colin, the only reason to hold one now is for political advantage. Nothing more nothing less.

    That said, now that he has marched his troops to the top of the hill he is going to look stupid not calling an election.
