Monday, March 16, 2009

Beauty Spot Saved!

Hooray! Surely?

The Mid Sussex Times carries this story on this weeks edition (Well, it was out last Thursday) and is not alas not yet online as they seem to have trouble catching up with the end of the 20th century let alone the 21st!

The long and short of the story concerns an area of land known as Paddocksland which is adjacent to Blunts wood and Paiges wood.

It was considered for housing development and has been found to be unsuitable.

The thing is this though, it was always going to be considered and always turned down. All sorts of land is because it has to be considered, and is turned down because it is unsuitable. So it is not true to say it was saved because it was not under threat.

That said, I don´t want to discourage people from making clear what their feelings are. It is however a bit sad when what purports to be a newspaper over eggs the pudding.

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