Sunday, December 02, 2007

Donorgate, the hole gets bigger!

One of the most interesting things about donor scandals is how the donors don't like the party they have donated to spinning against them.

The Independent on Sunday carries this front page entitled "I accuse" in which David Abrahams not only says that he told Jon Mendelsohn of his donation methods in April but suspects that the seating arrangement was no accident. This was at a meeting in April.

The article goes on to say that 10 senior Labour officials were in the know, and whilst he won't reveal them in the press, he will pass that all on to the police when they ask.

David Abrahams has also penned this piece in Independent on Sunday as an op-ed article in which he makes clear his motivation for keeping his anonymity and how losing it would be a deal breaker.

Then there is this in the Sunday Times in which David Abrahams claims that 10 senior Labour officials knew about the way in which he donated. No rogue official then? Labour are of course denying this.

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