* Its not a very authoritative as a lot of high ranking bloggers have left it, but just felt like bragging!
(I had to capture the image just in case I slip down the list again.)
This is my blog to explain why I am a member of the UK's Conservative party and my political thoughts.
"We have graduated from soapbox politics."Well, it does not appear to be engaging people any more. This sort of behaviour is simply wrong. It puts people off politics and stifles debate. It is time for politicians to get back on their soap boxes and with a bit of luck the fascist tendency in the Labour party will not try to stifle debate.
"Finding a consensus on a new way forward for party funding will not be easy. The reform of party funding is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the wider benefit of improving the quality of democracy. From the reaction the Review has received so far, I believe that the achievement of a good measure of cross-party agreement would be welcomed by the public. For that reason alone the process of the Review must be openly explained and not perceived as a private agreement only in the interests of the established political parties. Achieving agreement will require not just facilitation but an act of political will, including a readiness to accept that no one party will necessarily be able to achieve all of its objectives."Which is interesting given this report in the Guardian, by Patrick Wintour their political editor. According to his information Labour are looking to bring forward legislation early next year to deal with the party funding issue regardless of the position of the other parties. This of course has many dangers associated with it not the least of which will be a battle Royal in the Lords.
"I suppose this is a mark of the permissive society which has been lauded by the Labour Party over many years. There is no foul language nor physical or moral degradation which is not now embraced by the current orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the orthodoxy has reached the Conservative Party."With which I agree.
"It is not a word I would even use about Polly Toynbee."I disagree with Lord Tebbit on this. I would.
Any chance of some more kit?
"So what do you do?" Tony Blair asked one of the snipers, lined up to represent the garrison for a 90-minute trip to Camp Bastion.
He looked down at his long-barrelled rifle, shrugged as if to say "what do you think?"
"It has, but you see what I say to people is why is it difficult in Iraq?
"It's not difficult because of some accident in planning, it's difficult because there's a deliberate strategy - al-Qaeda with Sunni insurgents on one hand, Iranian-backed elements with Shia militias on the other - to create a situation in which the will of the majority for peace is displaced by the will of the minority for war."
"Whilst this hammer can hit hard, don't hit anything hard with it"Strange. What it actually said was, and I quote:
"Use this hammer to drive and pull common nails only"What? Pull nails? it doesn't have a claw so how are you going to do that? Besides which what is a common nail, and why use such a large hammer to drive one in? Any way, it goes on:
"Never strike tool, hardened nails or other hard objects as chipping can occur, possibly resulting in eye damage or other injury.So don't strike your tool with a sledge hammer. You have been warned!
"My lords and members of the House of Commons, my government will pursue policies aimed at meeting the challenges which the United Kingdom faces at home and abroad."Fair enough.
"A stable economy is the foundation of a fair and prosperous society. My government will continue to maintain low inflation, sound public finances and high employment."You jest surely? Inflation is on the up or rather the RPI is, the governments fiddle figures are a little down but higher than target, Gordon Brown is borrowing hand over fist and ahead of projections, whilst we have had continuous growth since 1992, and whilst employment may be high, unemployment continues to rise which begs the question, who is getting all the jobs? On top of this interest rates are up, which is not going to reduce unemployment.
"At the heart of my government's programme will be further action to provide strong, secure and stable communities, and to address the threat of terrorism.Victims at the heart of the Criminal Justice system? We heard similar in the 2002 Queen's Speech, so you would hope that was job done, no? But what have ID cards got to do with public safety? Are they going to be bullet proof?
My government will put victims at the heart of the criminal justice system, support the police and all those responsible for the public's safety, and proceed with the development of ID cards."
"A bill will be brought forward for the next stage of reform of the criminal justice system, giving the police and probation services new powers to protect the public from violent offenders and anti-social behaviour."How nice. 63 Acts on the subject in 9 years and we need more? You just cannot be serious? What have you done with the rest of them? We get more legislation on this subject in 1 year with this lot than in the previous 50. Quite a lot goes unenforced, gets repealed or is unworkable. How about "My government will tidy up the laws it has already passed and enforce some of them?
"Legislation will be introduced to improve the way that offenders are managed and supervised."You need legislation to tell your civil servants what to do? Priceless.
"Measures will be brought forward to give law enforcement agencies new powers to combat serious and organised crime."The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 no good then? I have to agree that the lot that passed that bill were useless so you may be right. Oh no! Hang on a minute, that was from the 2004 Queen's speech. You can't accuse this Government for not doing it's bit for recycling.
"A bill will be introduced to provide the immigration service with further powers to police the country's borders, tackle immigration crime, and to make it easier to deport those who break the law."They don't need any more powers, they need the resource to enforce the ones they have. As for deporting criminals, the Home Secretary has the power under the 1971 Immigration Act can exclude any foreign national on the grounds of the public good. In short there are powers a plenty. It is a resource issue.
"A bill will be introduced to provide for trials without a jury in serious fraud cases."The Americans can try the Enron case, one of the most costly and complex frauds with a jury in a timely fashion, but you want to rid us of basic constitutional protection because you can't organise a court case? Brilliant!
"Legislation will be brought forward to improve the administration of justice by reforming the tribunal system, the qualifications for judicial appointment and the enforcement of judgments."Hmm.. We have seen this sort of thing before, for example in the Access to Justice Act 1999. I will have to wait to see what exactly it is that they propose.
"My government will publish a bill on climate change as part of its policy to protect the environment, consistent with the need to secure long-term energy supplies."Jolly good. Shame about the record. It is after all worse than the previous Conservative Government. Let us see how it pans out.
Don't mention the hospital closures, I did, but I think I got away with it. Or indeed the lay offs, IT fiasco's, golly gosh there is so much to say on how money has just been tipped down the drain it is not true.
"My government will continue its investment in, and reforms of, the public services in order to improve further their effectiveness and to help the most vulnerable members of society."
"My government will take forward legislation to reform the welfare system, and to reduce poverty."Any chance of getting tax credits working properly so I don't get letters like this? Or indeed two contradictory letters in the same day?
"A bill will be introduced to improve the system of child support."Yet another attempt to fix the CSA?
"A bill will be introduced providing for long-term reform of pensions."Can't argue with that level of detail.
"Legislation will provide for free off-peak local bus travel for pensioners and disabled people."Don't they already get this?
"My government's programme of educational reform will continue to raise standards in schools to help all children achieve their full potential."Will it now? University lecturers and employers remain to be convinced that school leavers can read or write properly, which is understandable, especially when you hear stories like this or this.
"A bill will be introduced to reform the further education system so that it can better equip people with the skills that they and the economy need."Is that an end to media studies then? See above. Lets start with being able to read and write like everyone else.
"My government will carry through the modernisation of healthcare based on the founding principles of the National Health Service."Principles? Tony Blair? Now that would be new. Any chance West Sussex can keep its last remaining major hospital?
"A bill will be introduced to provide a better framework for treating people with mental disorders."I see. So what happened to similar proposals in the 2004 and 2005 Queen's Speeches then?
"Draft proposals will be published to reform the regulation of human embryology.Difficult to argue with this level of detail. Of course John "two jags" Prescot did have a ten year plan on transport and congestion reduction has featured in the 1999 and 1998 Queen's speech.
A draft bill will be published to tackle road congestion and to improve public transport.
My government will publish proposals to reform the planning system."
"Legislation will provide for improved arrangements for consumer advocacy and for the regulation of estate agents."Fair enough. We will see what they come up with. After all Home Information Packs have gone down a storm. Right Move were particularly impressed.
"My government will also continue its programme of reform to provide institutions that better serve a modern democracy. It will work to build a consensus on reform of the House of Lords and will bring forward proposals."Cash for Peerages anyone?
"Bills will provide for reform of local government and enhanced powers for the Mayor and Assembly for London.We will have to see on that.
Legislation will be introduced to create an independent board to enhance confidence in government statistics."
"Members of the House of Commons. Estimates for the public services will be laid before you."If they are as good as Gordon Brown's long term borrowing predictions don't bother. I'll get a mates telephone number, multiply it by my own double it then add a random number.
"My lords and members of the House of Commons. My government will work closely with the devolved administrations in Scotland and Wales."That's going to be fun after next May's elections!
"My government will work towards the restoration of devolution in Northern Ireland, including by bringing forward legislation."
"The Duke of Edinburgh and I look forward to our State Visit to the United States of America in May 2007 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Jamestown Settlement.Can't argue with that.
We also look forward to receiving the President of Ghana and Mrs Kufuor."
"My government remains committed to peace in the Middle East. It will continueWould have been nice to have a plan for peace in Iraq. Would have stopped Iraq becoming such a mess.
to work to find a lasting settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, to support the new Iraqi government in its efforts to build an enduring constitutional settlement, and to assist the government of Afghanistan."
"My government will work with the United Nations and European Union partners to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, including addressing international concerns over North Korea and Iran, and to promote good governance.
My government will continue to work to build an effective and globally competitive European Union and will also work to strengthen the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
My government will contribute to a modern and inclusive United Nations and will work to take forward the World Trade Organisation Doha talks.
My government will continue its focus on Africa, including by seeking a resolution to the crisis in Darfur. I look forward to visiting Kampala next year for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
My government will work to foster a strong partnership between Europe and the United States of America in order to meet these objectives."
"Other measures will be laid before you."I have no doubt.
"My Lords and Members of the House of Commons: I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels."
ASBO, ASBO little law,
How we wonder what you're for,
Chavs and yobs who love to fight
Terrorise us every night.
Toothless, useless little law,
How we wonder what you're for.
On the streets with hoods and knives,
How they terrorise our lives.
Though they all should be in bed,
All you do is boost their cred.
ASBO, ASBO can't you see
You are an accessory.
ASBO, ASBO, little law,
How we wonder what you're for,
Words will never rule the street,
We need coppers on the beat.
Toothless, useless, little law,
How we wonder what you're for.
"Tackling crime is a priority for any government. Of course we need to understand why crime occurs, and tackle the causes. But anyone who thinks that tackling crime, including youth crime, can be delivered by more love and hugs alone is wide of the mark."
"The dividing line between David Cameron and me now seems clear. Tough love with Labour or "just love" with the Tories: an important dividing line for the coming year in parliament. With respect to David's Notting Hill Set, I think I know who is more in tune with the vast majority of the British people."
"But I also said that to build a safe and civilised society for the long-term, we have to look at what goes on inside the boundaries, within the pale.
We have to show a lot more love.
By that I don't mean sentimental, childish love which sees no wrong in anyone.
I mean tough love - love that values people, and therefore demands high standards from them.
Love that respects people - and so expects a lot from them.
And that's the job of society."
"We apologise for the strong language in that broadcast"
"It was Labour's decision to deliberately withhold details of its £14 million from the election authorities in contrast to the Tories that has put the party at the centre of the current investigation."
How good of you to notice.
"The latest crop of insolvency figures is horrific."
"Loan addiction, as any debt counsellor will tell you, is as destructive to individuals and families as alcoholism or gambling, and we have become a nation of binge borrowers."I'm not going to ask either what this means of what evidence backs this up as I doubt there is any. However people being in debt over there heads is an obvious problem and causes all sorts of problems. People can get used to living beyond there means because their credit rating has just given them lots of cash. So they spend up to their limits and pay the minimum payment or a bit more until the banks either increase their credit limit or they apply for another card.
"One major culprit is lenient insolvency legislation, which came into effect in 2004 and has encouraged people to walk away from their responsibilities."
"This was the brainchild of Gordon Brown, who wanted our system to be modelled on that of the US. The idea was that a more forgiving regime would encourage entrepreneurship."Seems like a good idea to me. That said I think in the US credit card debt may not be provable in bankruptcy. That said in some states you get to keep the family home no matter how big it is.
"Yet company liquidations have fallen slightly, showing that the legislation has misfired. It is individual consumers who are behind the surge."And? banks are more careful about lending to companies. Besides which if a company goes bust, it may well be the case that this causes personal insolvency for the owner or directors so we would need more information about where the debt came from to be sure.
"Bankruptcy-lite is not pain-free, as a borrower's credit rating will be flattened. But much of the stigma attached to insolvency has been removed - with predictable results."Well in that case Gordon has achieved exactly what he set out to achieve. Therefore entrepreneurs will not be bothered about sailing close to the wind and will be more willing to take risks. Good. That said it does cause problems for borrowing more money.
"The only winners are firms such as Debt Free Direct and Accuma, which are cashing in by advising on IVAs."Really? What about the people who have been the victims of irresponsible lending? Don't they win to some extent as well?
"The banks are seeing a tidal wave of bad debts, which prudent customers will end up funding."Well, presumably prudent customers will decide not to deal with irresponsible banks. That is the free market after all.
"According to one industry executive, at least 2 million Britons are irretrievably indebted and will only clear their loans if they win the lottery. That is a major social problem."I see. And just which bunch of shysters lent them this money? Did they not ask how much these people were earning or indeed what other debts they had? No. Why? Because they would rather lend the money, make a killing, and then get airheads to plead poverty for them in the press.
However the banks could also try responsible lending. They could when issuing new credit cards, ask:It should of course be noted that Insolvency law comes under the remit of the DTI not the Treasury so i wonder how much this was Gordon's brainchild. Also the issue was and is unsustainable consumer debt rather than what insolvency law is. That clearly is a Treasury issue.
* Have you got any other credit cards?
* If so what is the limit and balance?
* Can we see some statements please?
* Have you just been making the minimum payments?
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